Train Depot
By Andrew Pouncey
The Germantown Depot is a relatively small Depot with only 900 square feet. The railroad tracks were built out to Germantown in 1852 and the original Depot structure was built in 1858. The Memphis-Charleston operated here between 1852 and 1894, the Southern Railway system between 1894 and 1990, and the Norfolk Southern Railway continues to run here today. A fire in 1947 required Southern Railway to rebuild its structure to continue to serve the citizens of Germantown both for passengers and for freight. We presume that the pre-1947 Depot was not the first depot structure.
Depot in 1915- GHPA Marker
After the fire, the post –’47 Depot was built upon the same foundation. It appears to be much smaller. Today, there is only one track that passes by the Depot. When West Street was constructed in the 1980s, the second track stopped there. The second track was located between today’s existing track and the Depot, allowing for loading/off-loading of freight directly to the baggage room.
Pre-1947- The Depot
Looking East with two parallel tracks - Past & Present

Looking West from Germantown Rd. - Past & Present
From the North facing the railroad tracks - Past & Present

1970s - Train running west to Memphis crossing North Street access to Poplar Pike.
The photo illustrates two parallel tracks.
West of North Street Crossing showing where the second track departed from the primary rail.