Administration | Development | Environmental Services | Finance | Fire | Parks and Recreation | Personnel | Police
- Mayor Charles Salvaggio, Vice-Mayor Bob Parrish, Aldermen David Halle, Lisa Parker and Jerry Tubb.
- 1991 was the 150th anniversary of the incorporation of Germantown. The Mayor declared ’91 as “The Germantown Sesquicentennial Celebration Year, 1841-1991”. As part of the celebration, a person who had contributed to the community was honored at each board meeting. The celebration took place in September and included Civil War reenactments, concerts, fireworks, and a Parade of History recapping Germantown’s history. The events were held at C.O. Franklin, Morgan Woods, Cloyes and Ft. Germantown Park.
- In his State of the City Address, the Mayor reflected on Germantown’s recent accomplishments. Germantown was the only city in the state to have a Triple A bond rating. It ALSO had the lowest crime rate in the state. He also emphasized the need for the city to reflect on the accomplishments of former citizens who made Germantown great in conjunction with the sesquicentennial celebration.
- The Tennessee State Surplus Agency obtained federal surplus property from the General Service Administration. The property could then be purchased by state supported institutions, such as state, city or county governments for a nominal charge. The Board adopted a resolution of Governing Board on Utilization of Federal Surplus property into order to qualify for participation.
- After a survey of librarians revealed that the book collection at the Germantown Branch Library was inadequate, the Board approved a $10,000 grant for the acquisition of new books. During the previous three years, the branch experienced a 41% increase in citizen turnout and a 40% increase in the number of checked-out items.
- The Department of Public Works was renamed the Department of Environmental Services. The department was broken down into three major functions: Operations,
Utilities and Solid/Waste Recycling Services. The remaining functions of the Department of Public Works went under the following departments:
- Animal Control under the Police Department
- Equipment inventory of warehouse function and vehicle maintenance under the Department of Parks and Recreation
- All capital development planning, or anything that pertains to the CIP, was put under the direct supervision of Development, which did a great deal of the capital development and planning for Public Works.
- The Glenalden Homeowners Association received the City Beautification Commission’s annual award.
- The Board passed a resolution to require a greater pass-through of federal anti-drug funds to local governments. At the time funds went through the state before being passed to local municipalities. Only 52% of the $8.2 million of funds located at the state level passed through to localities. The rest of the money went to The Tennessee Bureau of Investigators, state police and private organizations. This resolution was to be forwarded to Congress in Washington.
- A Germantown Youth Commission was established. The purpose of the Commission was to make recommendations to the Board on issues involving youth, development of an annual Youth Policy Agenda and the preparation of an annual report of accomplishments during the fiscal year. The Commission had twelve members, nine between the ages of 14-18 and three adult supervisors.
- The Board instituted the Germantown Centre Theatre Board of Directors. The seven member board was to help in facilitating the completion of the theatre and to devise a management structure to operate the facility.
- Mayor Salvaggio was appointed by Governor Ned McWherter to the Tennessee Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations. The commission was created by the General Assembly in 1978 to monitor the operation of federal, state and local relations in Tennessee and make recommendations for their improvement.
- According to the 1990 U.S. Census, Germantown’s population was 32,893. However, looking at water customer accounts, it was estimated that the city had in excess of 36,000. It was estimated that the city would lose approximately $200,000 in the next fiscal year, based on the loss of state tax revenues the city receives based on per capita population. Municipalities are allowed to conduct citywide Census in any 10 year period. The Board approved the $17,000 special census. It was to be completed before the beginning of the next fiscal year.
- The Board passed a resolution to participate in Shelby County’s Community Development Block Grant program for the fiscal years 1992, 1993 and 1994. The county had been notified by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development that its population qualified them for urban county status. This status would make the county eligible to receive between $1 million and $1.3 million to provide support to low and moderate income individuals. It was doubtful that Germantown would receive any of the funds, however participation in the program would allow the City to make recommendations regarding allocation of funds in the county.
- The City’s Project Team for reviewing a long-range Information Master Plan gave a presentation to the Board. The goals of the Information Master Plan were:
- to prepare to meet future information needs while safeguarding the current investment in automation
- to insure on-going system support by eliminating all unsupported software and hardware
- to purchase only software that has an installed user base
- to provide information more quickly and accurately
- to increase staff productivity by reducing the amount of paper that is handled
- to use the current technology to share data electronically between departments and to manage long-term records retention
- to provide easy access of public information by our citizens
- to provide staff with training to fully utilize the technology
The solution strategy incorporated a three-tiered design with a centralized communications system between all City departments, decentralized department systems and stand-alone mirco-computers for individuals or small groups within a department. The plan was a format that could anticipate change, because the “final system” could never be achieved due to constant evolution of technology.
- The Board passed three amendments to the travel policy for elected officials. These amendments were:
- Elected officials should rotate representing the city at State and National meetings;
- No one official should attend more than one National meeting annually; and
- The budgeted amount of $6,000 for travel expenses should be divided equally, which would limit the Mayor and Aldermen to $1,200 each.
- The “Citizens to be Heard” program was started on a trial basis at Board meetings with the following restrictions:
- Citizens could not speak on anything on the agenda
- No disrespectful comments
- Three minute time limit
- The Board passed a resolution supporting involvement of the City in the Sister City International Program. This program allowed for the sharing of governmental ideas between foreign cities.
- The city leased approximately 1,500 square feet of public land to Cellular One. In exchange for the ground, Cellular One erected a radio tower that the city used for city emergency services.
- The Major Road Plan was amended. The Changes were:
- The downgrading of Riverdale Road to 68 feet;
- The non-connection of Poplar Estates and Miller Farms to Wolf River Boulevard; and
- The non-connection of Riverdale Road between Poplar Avenue and Poplar Pike.
It was stated that the changes made would not likely be acted on for another five to ten years. Many people did not want to see a grid system in Germantown that would “invite crime and destroy the residential integrity” of the City.
- Project Development Contract No. 943 was for Phase II of Germantown Baptist Church located on the corner of Johnson Road and Poplar Avenue. Phase II included the construction of the sanctuary, two education wings and the Christian Family Center.
- The Board approved Project Development Contract No. 944, Immanuel Baptist Church. The church master plan included four phases, however this contract only included phase I. The plan was for a two-story multi-purpose building of approximately 30,000 square feet with an assembly area for 830 people.
- The Board approved construction of a 192 unit apartment and condominium development located at the intersection of Brierbrook and Germantown Road. The Grove, Project Development Contract No. 945 was located on 32 acres of land. A requirement of this project was adherence to the wetlands regulations. The developers were complimented on their willingness to work with the City.
- The City received the Municipal Achievement Award for Environmental Excellence from the Tennessee Municipal League. The award was attributed to the City’s Task Force on Ecology who had worked over a year on a 100 page report on the subject.
- After the successful Pilot Recycling Program, the city conducted a sanitation survey. 81% of those surveyed thought mandatory recycling was a good idea. Four vendors were willing to bid on the project.
- Mr. Samuel Beach was hired as the City’s Environmental Services Director. This position was made vacant after the reorganization of the Department of Public Works.
- More and more environmental issues and the determination of solutions were being passed on to local governments. The Board established a permanent Environmental Advisory Commission. The Commission would serve in an advisory capacity to the BMA and city administration concerning environmental issues; respond to requests from the Board on matters pertaining to the environment and assist in improving the level of knowledge of citizens on environmental issues.
- In an effort to lower garbage costs, the city executed an agreement with Browning-Ferris Industries for use of their landfill. Germantown was able to better its situation by working with the cities of Bartlett and Collierville. The city was able to lower the disposal rate from $25 a ton to $21.
- Mr. John Dluhos, Finance Director, received the Government Finance Officers Association award for the FY91 budget document.
- For the ninth consecutive year, Germantown received the Award of Excellence for their Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. This certificate is the highest form of recognition in governmental accounting and financial reporting.
- The Board passed a resolution adopting a Capital Improvements Program for the fiscal years 1992 through 1997. The CIP included 76 projects. The proposed budget for the 1992 CIP projects was $9,219,000 and included the Municipal Center expansion and Germantown Centre Theatre project.
- The following changes were made to the city’s financial policies.
- A section to address the sanitation fee which would be reviewed annually and adjusted as necessary to minimize the dependency of transfer from the General Fund;
- A section added to clearly indicate that reserves are created and maintained for the purpose of meeting one time requirement needs and are not established for the purpose of covering operating costs; and
- The contingency fund amount was changed from 2% to 1 ½%.
- The Board passed Ordinance 1991-11, the FY92 budget. After several revisions, the final total expenditures amounted to $25,137,150.
- After having a property tax of $2.16 in place since 1980, the rate was reassessed at $1.34. It was calculated that $1.34 rate would generate approximately $6.5 million or 45% of the FY92 operating general fund budget.
- Patton & Taylor Construction Company was awarded the contract for Fire Station No. 4 renovation for $275,754. The City acquired the station in the landswap agreement between the city and Shelby County.
- Fort Germantown was placed on the National Register of Historic Places.
- The Board had approved the rules and regulations for the Germantown Centre in 1990. The Germantown Parks and Recreation Commission reviewed the policies and made recommendations, based on Centre operation for one year. The recommendations included resident rates for Germantown business owners, the age for the nursery to be between two and eleven years of age, and hours of operation be established as Monday through Saturday, 6a.m. to 10 p.m., and Sunday, 1 to 6p.m.
- The Board approved a Classification and Compensation Study. The recommendations included elimination of the quartile system, change merit increases from twice a year to once a year and have a once a year general wage adjustment.
- The Board amended the Retirement Plan as required by the federal Tax Reform Act of 1986. There were eleven amendments including the deletion of the maximum age for entry into the Plan and new rules regarding payments to participants who cannot be located.
- The low bid of $105,250.45 by General Electric was accepted for the new radio system.
- After the reorganization of the Public Works Department, which became the Department of Environmental Services, Animal Control was placed under the Police Department.
- Chief Boatwright requested the following changes for the 1992 fiscal year:
- Four additional officers, that would put the force at 47 officers;
- The standardization of firearms, that would allow for a maintenance program for liability purposes. The officers would also have the ability to interchange magazines and have the same caliber. The Chief recommended Smith and Wesson, which included a lifetime warranty with parts replaced free of charge. The cost for 50- 9mm pistols was $20,939.50. Previously officers had supplied their own weapons; and
- Four Park Rangers that would be officially commissioned police officers and trained by the Parks Department. Their job would be in the parks but would assist the police in emergency situations.
- The City recognized Police Dispatcher Nancy L. Stewart. She was called to active duty with the 268th Military Police Company of the Tennessee Army National Guard to serve in the Gulf War. Her duties included searching Iraqi bunkers and guarding Iraqi prisoners of war. June 10, 1991 was declared as “Nancy L. Stewart Day”.
- The City purchased eight K-Band moving traffic radar units from MPH Industries for $11,510.