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- Mayor Charles Salvaggio, Vice-Mayor David Halle, Aldermen Wayne Addison, Bill Finney, Bill McGaughey and Bob Parrish.
- Mr. George Brannon was hired as the new City Attorney.
- The issue of the consolidation of the Memphis and Shelby County School Systems was still causing an intense controversy. As the Mayor put it, the issue put the city in “jeopardy”. He stated that it would have a catastrophic affect on Germantown’s kids, property values and quality of life. According to the speech, none of the surrounding municipalities, including Germantown, Bartlett, Collierville, Arlington and a host of others had not been contacted to get feedback on the issue. The Mayor stated several times that he would fight it. The Board passed a resolution of support for the Mayor in the efforts to prevent consolidation and support for researching alternatives.
- The Germantown Collection received the City Beautification Commission’s annual Business Award.
- Mayor Salvaggio gave a State of the City Address. He said that 1989 had been a year of transition with many changes, including appointments of a new Police Chief, Director of Development, City Administrator, Assistant to the City Administrator and City Clerk. He stated that the City was in good condition and had accomplished all of the goals and objectives of the past year. His speech also included discussion of the Germantown Centre, Drug Alliance, and maintenance of the City’s triple A bond rating.
- The grand opening of the Germantown Centre was held in February. The Mayor described this event as one of the greatest things that had ever happened in Germantown’s history pertaining to the quality of life.
- Catherine Dang, a graduate of Germantown High School, was awarded the Mayor’s Award of Merit. She was named a U.S. Presidential Scholar and was awarded the Presidential Scholars Medallion. She was one of only 141 students to receive the nations highest honor for graduating high school students.
- The Board ratified an amendment to Chapter 87 of the Private Acts of 1985 (the Charter of Germantown) to provide for and establish a community design review commission. The purpose of the commission was to develop aesthetic and architectural controls for the community and to review and act upon the decisions and recommendations of the commission.
- At a town meeting, a citizen asked whether thought had been given to having a full-time Mayor for Germantown. Alderman Parrish stated that the reason Germantown is light-years ahead of other cities in the State is because it has a professional government that is not at the whims of a political system. He felt that a professional city government works more efficiently.
- Mr. Andrew Pouncey was hired as the Chief Planner after the promotion of James Lewellen to the position of Assistant to the Director of Development.
- A youth Excellence Award was created to honor a youth of the community for both community involvement and academic achievement. The award would be given out monthly and the Education Commission would choose recipients.
- The Commission for the Germantown Centre for Performing Arts was established. The commission would have the two following purposes:
- To serve as a focal point for fund raising activities for the Germantown Centre for the Performing Arts
- To formulate recommendations on the future management structure for the Performing Arts Theatre.
The six member board would consist of two members from the Germantown Arts Commission, two members from the business community, one Alderman and the Mayor. The Commission would make a yearly report to the Board.
- Mrs. Frances Hudson, who served as postmaster of Germantown for 35 years, passed away. In recognition of her dedication, August 10 was proclaimed “FRANCES HUDSON DAY”.
- The Arts Commission recommended awarding grants to eighteen organizations for partial funding of the programs. The grants totaled $31,317.
- Miss Mendy Nelson, a senior at Germantown High School, won the title of Miss Tennessee Teen. She then won the title of Miss Teen of the Nation in the national pageant.
- The Executive Management Team, consisting of the City Administrator, the department heads, and the Assistant to the City Administrator, created the city’s Organizational Philosophy Statement. This statement still serves as a guidepost for city employees’ work ethics and beliefs.
We are the City of Germantown. Our mission is to provide a responsive and fiscally responsible government service to our community and to all our citizens. Our services enhance the safety, health and general welfare of the various community needs with municipal resources through a planned approach to the governance process. Our commitment to serve the City of Germantown involves teamwork, fairness, excellence and integrity.
Teamwork is the commitment to quality service through a cooperative effort. Each employee makes a unique contribution to the organization. Together we achieve things we couldn’t solve alone. Our team includes citizens, elected officials, boards and commission members, and city staff. Our shared responsibility and leadership demonstrate our mutual commitment to serve. Our teamwork is built upon trust, openness and communication. Teamwork is the spirit behind our caring organization and our caring community. We work Together!
Fairness is treating all people equally. Our laws and policies are based upon unprejudiced, impartial opinions and judgements that result in the treatment of all sides alike, justly and equitably. Fairness and objectivity are standards, which guide our decisions regarding citizen services and our employees. Fairness is Fundamental!
The quality of life in any city results directly from the quality of services provided. Excellence in all city programs and services has resulted in the outstanding reputation for which Germantown is recognized. We anticipate and respond promptly and efficiently to the needs of citizens. Excellence is expected!
Our service is open and fair to all without regard to race, sex, age, nationality, or religious beliefs. We communicate honestly and accurately, which establishes credibility and enhances mutual respect for personal convictions. We follow through on commitments. We realize that in living and working together, we need to rely on each other. Acceptance of responsibility is critical to our organizational effectiveness. We are responsible!
- The Mayor applied to the State of Tennessee for a Governor’s Highway Safety Grant in the amount of $15,000 to have Northwestern University conduct a course in basic traffic investigation.
- The Municipal Center needed to be remodeled due to additional personnel. Design Specialties was awarded the contract for the Municipal Building Renovation for $8,995.
- The Mayor followed the President of the United States by declaring the week of September 17 through the 23 as “Constitution Week”.
- Appreciation was expressed for the services of Aldermen Wayne Addison and Bill Finney. Mr. Finney had been chosen to fill Charles Salvaggio’s vacated seat. Mr. Addison had served since December 1982.
- Lisa Parker and Jerry Tubb were elected to fill the positions of Aldermen Wayne Addison and Bill Finney.
- After several accidents, the situation on C.D. Smith Road was examined. One proposed solution was to close the road. The residents of the Aintree Farms subdivision opposed closing the road citing the problem of only having one access for emergency vehicles. It was decided to lower the speed limit from 30 mph to 20 mph and to allow only automobile traffic.
- The Board passed Ordinance No. 1990-7, which established a new residential zoning district. This new district was designated RE-10 for estate or plantation style housing with a minimum lot size of 10 acres and minimum 50 foot building height. Originally, the ordinance had provisions for cemeteries, religious institutions, utilities and country clubs, but they were deleted.
- Project Development Contract No. 935, Kirby Farms Inn, was approved. The project was to include a bed and breakfast inn, located on ten acres zoned OG-1. The plan included a restaurant, meeting rooms, 27 lodging units and restoration of the old Kirby Farm home.
- The Board approved Ordinance No. 1990-15 to rezone property from Residential to Old Germantown on Poplar Pike, between Germantown Road and the Railroad. Many people were concerned that this would allow commercialism too close to the High School. However, it was felt that the restrictions in the OG district would not lead to commercialism.
- After a lengthy debate, the Board approved Project Development Contract No. 936. The contract called for the demolition of the Gulf Oil Station on the corner of Poplar Avenue and Germantown Road to build a new BP Service Station. The debate centered on who would make improvements to the street. It was decided that the city would make the improvements as part of the widening of Poplar Avenue and Germantown Road.
- The Board approved Project Development Contracts No.’s 938 and 939. Both of these contracts dealt with the shops of Forest Hill. The contracts included building the Target Store and Kroger. The developers dedicated a loop road along the boundary of the project that would tie Forest Hill-Irene Road into Poplar Avenue and a traffic signal for the loop road at Poplar. It was estimated that the project would generate approximately $600,000 to $800,000 in new tax revenues for the city.
- The City received a recycling award plaque from the Shelby County Environmental Improvement Commission for the recycling programs and charitable organizations who have been involved with the city.
- The Mayor established a Task Force on Ecology. The task force dealt with recycling, air pollution, water control and other ecological issues.
- The City began a pilot recycling program for approximately 1200 homes for a period of 90 days. The city and Waste Management would assess the results of the program and consider the feasibility of expanding the service citywide.
- Memphis and Germantown connected their water systems. This allowed for the postponement of construction of an underground reservoir, which the city was now taking proposals for its construction. The plan for the connections was for emergency use only after the reservoir is completed.
- John Dluhos was hired as the city’s new Finance Director.
- For the eighth year in a row, Germantown received a Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting.
- The Board passed a resolution revising a 1982 Policy Letter dealing with the city’s financial policies. This was to provide guidance to the Administration in budgeting, long range planning and financial management of the city’s operations designation of the General Fund Balance. The new Policy Letter included revisions to the operating budget, revenues, reserves, Capital Improvements Program and debt and investment policies.
- The Board passed a resolution authorizing the issuance of not to exceed $3.1 million general obligations bonds to the City of Germantown for the purpose of financing the cost of construction of public works in the City. These projects included improvements to Duntreath Ditch, Poplar Pike East, the Johnson Road widening, Cordova Road and several other projects.
- Firefighter Lou Correale was given the Mayor’s Award of Merit for being named to the National Dean’s List, the largest and most prestigious publication in the country for recognizing academically gifted students.
- The Board authorized various fees to be charged for fire inspection and other specifiCc services rendered by the Fire Department, principally to commercial establishments. The fees were set specifically to recover the cost of services.
- A new pumper was purchased to replace a 1975 pumper that was damaged in an accident. The new pumper was purchased for $152,948.
- The Master Park Plan for C.O. Franklin, Morgan Woods and Cloyes Parks was presented to the Board. The plan set the boundary limits and gave a topographic survey and tree location survey. The plan also included the reorganization of the equestrian center, ideas for a historic village, and routes for trails and roadways. The plan was approved.
- Starry Stiggers was chosen as Park Employee of the Year for 1989.
- Germantown received two awards at the Tennessee Recreation and Parks Association Conference. The Germantown Centre was selected as the top recreation facility and was determined to be worthy of a Four Star Award based upon its scope of services, the uniqueness of funding this operation and the management system provided by staff. The Department was given the Governor’s Award for excellence as the outstanding Parks and Receation department in the state from those cities with a population of more than 25,000.
- A feasibility study and preliminary master plan for a greenbelt loop around the City was presented to the Board. The proposed loop would connect some of the utility easements on the east and west sides with the Wolf River on the north. Several routes along the south included C.D. Smith Road, Poplar Pike, and the park area near Germantown High School.
- Sgt. Jay Johnson and his dog, Beaux, and Patrolman Mike Griffus and his dog Tucker completed their training. The training included 400 hours in drug detection, tracking and general patrol work. Mr. Tony McAnally donated Beaux and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Baxter donated Tucker.
- Chief Boatwright requested three changes for the Department. These changes included a new radio system, which had been in place since 1979 and had become unreliable, a data entry clerk to enter reports, citations and other data into the computer system and a subscription to the Law Enforcement Television Network.
- The Board passed Ordinance No. 1990-11, which allows for the disposal of abandoned, stolen and recovered property that has accumulated over the years. The Board would designate the charitable organizations for the disposal.
- The City was awarded a Drug Control/Criminal Justice Improvement Grant in the amount of $24,648 with the city having 25% matching funds for $8,216. The money was placed in the Drug Enforcement Fund to be used for communications, intelligence gathering equipment, items for protection of the officers and overtime pay for officers on drug cases.