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- Germantown experienced many changes of leadership. Mayor Warner Hodges resigned his position and Vice-Mayor Charles Salvaggio was sworn in. Mr. Hodges cited that the time requirement of the position was his reason for leaving. William L. Finney was nominated to fill Charles Salvaggio’s vacated alderman seat. Bill McGauhey was elected Vice-Mayor. The other Aldermen were Wayne Addison, David Halle, and Dr. Bob Parrish. Both Mr. Salvaggio and Mr. Finney would serve in their positions until the next biennial election.
- Before tendering his resignation, Mayor Hodges gave a “State of the City Address”. Some of the achievements he cited were no tax increases, annexation of the greenbelt along the northern boundary of the City, completion of the Great Oaks bridge, the landswap and the installation of more emergency sirens.
- Mayor Salvaggio appointed a new Planning Commission and charged them with the responsibility of putting together a comprehensive plan that would provide the framework for decisions in all areas of city services. This plan incorporated the basic information from the various studies done and updated the Major Road Plan. The plan would recommend a future course for the city.
- The Mayor passed a resolution honoring retiring City Clerk Vella F. Sparkman. Mrs. Sparkman had served the city for twenty-two years. She had been City Clerk for six mayors and twenty-three aldermen. Alderman Addison gave her a tribute. Judy B. Simerson was chosen to be the new City Clerk.
- The Education Commission, established in 1987, presented an education survey with two main goals. The first goal was to assess what educational opportunities were available in the city through the Shelby County School System and all other educational opportunities that are available for all ages of people. The second goal was to find out what people thought about the educational opportunities. This report would aid both the Commission and the BMA in making certain decisions for the future.
- Harry and Becky Cloyes received the Mayor’s Award of Merit for all the good things they had done for the City. They had recently acquired the 1944 caboose that can be seen in Oaklawn Gardens.
- Saddle Creek Shopping Center received the annual award from the City Beautification Commission. This award is given to the business that has worked the hardest to meet the Commissions criteria.
- 1989 marked the year when the Supreme Court made the controversial decision to legalize the burning of the American flag. A proclamation was sent to Washington to convey Germantown’s concerns and regrets over the Supreme Court’s decision. Attached to the proclamation was a petition signed by 854 citizens who expressed similar concerns to the decision.
- Jerry Cook was appointed as Director of Development after the retirement of Ron Shmied.
- After months of fine-tuning and an intense public debate, the Board passed Ordinance No. 1989-13, Amendment to Chapter 14, Nuisances, Article II, Smoking. The City’s original smoking ordinance had been vague. The amendment established certain areas in the city in which smoking is unlawful and prohibited, and established fines associated with noncompliance.
- Mr. Jim Holgersson, Germantown’s City Administrator for eight years, resigned his post. He took the job of City Manager of Kalamazoo, Michigan. Mr. Patrick Lawton, Germantown’s current City Administrator, was chosen to take Mr. Holgersson’s place.
- Jane Wood was selected as the new Assistant to the City Administrator.
- The Board authorized the Mayor to apply for a grant from the Tennessee Energy Efficiency Measures Grant Program in the amount of $60,083 to be used for the installation of an energy management system in five municipal buildings.
- Many citizens complained about tractor/trailer trucks using Hacks Cross and Poplar Pike through Old Germantown as a connection between the Olive Branch Industrial Park and Interstate 40. The Board stated that the interior roadway system utilized by the truck traffic was not constructed nor intended for this type of heavy transportation usage. The Mayor requested that the Public Works Department post Hacks Cross Road, Poplar Pike and Germantown Road between Highway 72 and Poplar Pike, as “Prohibited to Through Truck Traffic,” effective December 1, 1989.”
- Dr. Richard Erali was thanked for his pledge of $10,000 for an indoor running track for the Civic Center.
- Heritage Cablevision was almost taken to court by the City. A year earlier, Heritage tried to drop Channel WOR from its lineup, but citizens complained. The City stated that if the company tried to drop it again, the City would take action. The channel was dropped, but fortunately, an understanding was reached. Due to FCC regulations, WOR would have to be blacked out for a good portion of the day. Heritage compensated by dropping WOR and adding several new channels. All attempts at litigation by the City were stopped.
- The Board formally adopted a set of policy agenda goals and objectives for 1990. These issues were:
Top Priority Issues
- Improve Road System
- Develop Park System and Natural Resources
- Improve Administrative Structure and Systems
- Enhance Cultural and Recreation Opportunities
High Priority Issues
- Plan for Germantown’s Future Growth
- Manage Solid Waste
- Enhance City Services
- Enhance Citizen Communication and Involvement
- Improve Water System
Other Priority Projects
- Improve Human Resource Management
- Improve Drainage System
- Improve City Facility
These projects reflected the Capital Improvements Program, which the Board passed for the fiscal years 1990-1995.
- The Board recognized Miss Stacy Berry, a senior at Germantown High School, for being chosen as Tennessee Young Woman of the Year. She would represent Tennessee in the America Young Woman of the Year contest in 1990.
- Project Development Contract No. 923, Lamplighter Montessori School, was approved after some controversy. The plan was for a two-story 6,500 square foot building on a 1.6 acre site. The rule for a school in the R-T district is five acres, however, the Board of Zoning Appeals granted a variance. The Board felt the BZA should have not granted a variance without the support of the surrounding community, but it was felt that the school should not be penalized for that.
- The Board approved Project Development No. 924. This contract was for Germantown Baptist Church’s family recreation complex, which covered 13 acres of the 64 acre site. The complex proposed three lighted softball fields, several small buildings and a picnic pavilion. The church allowed the Public Works Department to locate two water wells on the property. The church also agreed to provide a plan for the proposed traffic laneage on Poplar Avenue including acceleration and deceleration lanes to be constructed by the church.
- After the earthquake disaster in San Francisco, the Mayor inquired what the City would do if one struck locally. Fire Chief James Smith informed the Mayor that a committee had been formed in 1986 to develop an emergency disaster plan for the City. The Emergency Management Plan that was developed was described as a living document that would be required to be updated on a quarterly basis as resource needs, personnel, and procedures change. Alderman Addison stated that during the news reports of San Francisco, Memphis was referred to as the City that would receive the most damage from an earthquake due to the lack of construction codes for buildings. He stated it was time for Germantown to look into this situation for itself. The Mayor reassured the Board that one of the items to be included in next years budget was for the City to have its own Building Inspection Department which would control the codes for buildings.
- Project Development Contract No. 928, Gulf Oil Station, was approved. It was to be located at Germantown Road and Wold River Boulevard. The project had been under consideration for over a year, but design elements and landscaping issues delayed approval. The contract also included a requirement to dedicate additional land for a future overpass if necessary.
- The Board passed several amendments to the Design Review Commission Ordinance and approved a Design Review Commission as recommended by a study done by Mr. John Costonis, Dean of the Vanderbilt Law School. These amendments only made the DRC’S ordinances more clear. Mr. Costonis stated that he had not seen a more effective or more thoughtful approach to design in the United States.
- The Board passed Ordinance No. 1989-17, amending the Zoning Ordinance. This amendment allowed satellite dishes on roofs in commercial areas provided they are screened and not visible from public ways. The original ordinance required all dishes to be ground-mounted and less than nine feet tall. The amendment applied only to commercial districts; residential areas would still be under the original ordinance.
- A year after the same ordinance failed, the Board passed Ordinance No. 1989-14, OG-1 Preservation District. The ordinance created a new zoning classification that would establish a district creating incentives for redevelopment of historic properties and to preserve those properties that have significance in their original state. Some felt it was an error to allow commercialism in a residential district (if a historic piece of property was a bed and breakfast, then it could be redeveloped as such).
- The Board amended the Sign Ordinance to allow for logos to be used in the Old Germantown District with the same restrictions as the other zoning districts.
- The Carr House, believed to be the oldest house in Shelby County, was moved from Highway 64 to Germantown’s Municipal Park. It cost $35,000 dollars and was considered one of the largest moves in the state’s history.
- Conley & Hardy, Inc. were hired for professional services to provide design and construction documents to perform improvements to Poplar Pike from Germantown Road to Germanwood Lane. The main improvement was for widening the street. The contract was for $36,220.
- Many things were happening with the Civic Center. A fee structure was created along with policies regarding membership. A spectacular grand opening and fundraiser were planned. A media blitz and weeklong string of events was planned. Charles Funk was hired as the Center’s coordinator. Germantown Community Hospital-Methodist East was hired to manage the fitness area of the Center. A logo was designed for the Center and the facility was officially named the “Germantown Centre for the Art of Living”.
- After conducting a study of the City’s water supply, Allen & Hoshall recommended a water rate increase. The rate suggested was from $.75 to $.80 per 1,000 for consumption between 3,000 gallons and 20,000 and to increase the rate from $.75 per 1,000 gallons to $1.10 per 1,000 for consumption over 20,000 gallons. This was the first water rate increase since 1977.
- The Tennessee Department of Health and Environment conducted a surprise sanitary survey of the water works system serving the City of Germantown. The Germantown Treatment Facility received a rating of 99. A letter was received from the Manager of the State’s Division of Water Supply stating that “the Germantown Water Treatment system is an excellent system. It is well managed and run in a very professional manner by system personnel. They are to be commended for their good work in the operation of this facility.” Also, the city received an award for the fluoridation of its water.
- A contract was executed between the City and the U.S. Geological Survey for water quality monitoring at the existing Southern Avenue and proposed Johnson Road Park Well Fields. The monitoring would last for one year.
- For the seventh consecutive year, the city received a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for its Comprehensive Annual Finance Report for the Fiscal Year that ended June 30, 1988.
- Lead Firefighter Mike Pohl was given the Mayor’s award of Merit for his assisting in the apprehension of juveniles who were stealing city street signs. His actions saved the city $700 dollars.
- Eight year old Brad Isaacs discovered a fire in his home and alerted his family, who escaped without injury. Brad attributed his knowledge of what to do from a fire prevention program that had been presented in his school. The Fire Department was commended on their prevention programs.
- Donald Vaughan was elected Employee of the Year for 1988 for the Parks Department.
- Jim Moore, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission, gave the annual report from the Parks and Recreation Department. The goals and objectives for the Department included completion of the first phase of the Civic Center, development of a Master Plan for the greenbelt, strengthening the Tree Ordinance and completion of Houston Levee Park.
- The Board hired Toles and Associates to develop a Master Plan for C.O. Franklin, Cloyes and Morgan Woods Parks. The contract was for $38,666.
- The Board approved a 3% range movement in the City’s salary ranges.
- The position of Traffic Engineer as a full-time position with the Department of Development was approved. This position came about after the cancellation of a consultant’s contract for traffic engineering services.
- An article ran in the Commercial Appeal about the Germantown Police Department. It cited that the Department was responsible for making Germantown one of the one hundred safest cities in the country. The ‘88 report showed that overall crime was reduced. Even with the growth of the city, the average response time was still approximately two minutes. Over 800 people opted for vacation checks. Drug arrests were up 34% indicating continued enforcement efforts in areas of concern. The men and women of the Department were commentated by the Mayor and Aldermen.
- A letter was read from Mr. Douglas Nunnery complimenting the Police and Fire Departments’ assistance to his daughter who was involved in an automobile accident.
- Police Chief Cochran resigned. Asst. Chief Boatwright was chosen as his replacement. Mr. Boatwright began his employment with the city as a reserve officer in 1974.
- The Police and Fire dispatching communication terminals were separated to enhance productivity.