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- Mayor Boyd Arthur, Jr., Aldermen Wayne Addison, Wanda Goodman, Sam Massey, Bill McGaughey and Jay Kahn (Vice-Mayor).
- Attorneys were R. Lee Winchester, Jr. (City Attorney), Tom Cates (Asst. City Attorney to the Design Review Commission), Louis J. Miller (Asst. City Attorney to the Planning Commission) and Allen Strain (Asst. City Attorney to the Board of Zoning Appeals).
- Prosecuting Attorneys were Glenn Millar, Jr. (Senior Prosecuting Attorney), Joe Lee Wyatt (Asst. Prosecuting Attorney) and Douglass Shipman (Asst. Prosecuting Attorney).
- City Judges were Olen Batchelor and Raymond S. Clift.
- Commissions and Committees included the Board of Zoning Appeals, Animal Control Commission, Cable Television Advisory Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, Design Review Commission, Cultural Arts Committee, Financial Advisory Committee, Personnel Advisory Committee, Retirement Plan Administrator Committee, Germantown Historic Committee, and Civic Center Building Committee.
- Virginia Jetton, executive secretary to the Mayor and City Administrator, retired. The Mayor presented her with a Key to the City, which read “Virginia Jetton, 1973-1986”. She had worked for two mayors, three city administrators, and fifteen aldermen during her tenure.
- The Board increased the number of members of the CATV Advisory Commission from seven to nine members.
- The Board approved Ordinance No. 1986-8, adopting a Code of Ordinances for Germantown.
- The Board passed a resolution proclaiming the week of June 16-22, 1986 as YOUTH SOFTBALL WEEK. The Board recognized softball as “the most outstanding team participation sport in the United States”, and that participation in Germantown softball was gaining momentum.
- Ordinance No. 1986-13, increasing the Mayor and Aldermen pay, was approved. The Mayor’s salary would increase from $450 per month to $750 per month and the Aldermen’s salary would increase from $200 per month to $350 per month, each. The Ordinance would become effective December 19, 1988, after two biennial elections.
- Daniel Moore was introduced as the new Chief City Planner.
- Bess Barry, Chairman of the Germantown Homecoming ’86 Committee, presented the Mayor with a flag for the city. The flag was red on white and depicted the City’s official logo. The Mayor accepted the flag as the official flag for the city on behalf of the Board and the citizens of Germantown.
- The Board allowed Heritage Cablevision to increase its rates by $.45/month solely on the assumption that Heritage would bring back and continue to broadcast Channel WOR. The city received several complaints when the channel was taken off the air.
- After months of meetings and work by over 150 citizens, the 2004 Executive report was finalized. This report, started in 1984, was a 20-year, comprehensive plan for the city. Appreciation was expressed to everyone who was involved with the report.
- The Mayor read a resolution recognizing the Germantown Red Devil Little League Baseball Team for advancing to the 1986 National Willie Mays Tournament. The team competed with teams from seven other states to advance to the Nationals. The boys, ages nine and ten, had complied a record of fifty-five wins and fourteen loses. The Mayor also issued a proclamation congratulating four Germantown soccer teams for reaching the State finals.
- The City Beautification Commission awarded Dr. Lyle Muller’s Orthodontic Office at 7535 Poplar Avenue for excellence in ground maintenance and landscaping. The Commission planned to honor someone every year.
- 6792 Poplar Pike was recognized as a Germantown Historical Site and a marker was presented to the owner, Walter D. Wills III. Mr. Wills is the great great grandson of the original owner, Wilkes Brooks, who purchased the property in 1838. The house, built prior to the Civil War, was remodeled in 1898 and given the Victorian appearance it has today. It is one of the few instances in the South of a complete plantation headquarters where all the buildings are original. The place had been recognized as a State Historical Site and the application was pending for the National Registry of Historic Places.
- The West Tennessee Iris Association received permission to plant an iris garden at the intersection of West Street, North Street and Poplar Pike. The city worked with Southern Railway to gain a “Right of Entry Letter”. The Association agreed to assume a $100 annual fee for the space. The city promised to negotiate with the railroad to have the fee eliminated. The garden has become a famous landmark in Germantown.
- A new “Welcome to Germantown” sign was approved for the western City limits on Poplar Avenue. The sign was a project of the City Beautification Commission. There was some debate on having the sign say “Historic Germantown”, but “Welcome” was preferred.
- The Board appointed three officers to the Germantown Community Foundation. The new directors of the foundation were:
- John K. Fockler, President
- Lee Winchester, Vice-President
- Bess Barry, Secretary and Treasurer
The Board of Mayor and Aldermen would choose new directors each year.
- Mayor Boyd Arthur and Alderman Jay Kahn received resolutions of appreciation for their service to Germantown. Mr. Arthur had served Germantown as an alderman for sixteen years and mayor for four. Mr. Kahn had also served the city for many years.
- Warner Hodges, III was elected Mayor.
- Alderman Wayne Addison was reelected and Charles Salvaggio was elected for a first term.
- Boyd Rhodes Jr. was nominated to replace Lee Winchester as City Attorney.
- Alderman Wanda Goodman was nominated to the position of Vice-Mayor.
- The City of Germantown and the Town of Collierville reached an Agreement of Intent for Future Annexation. The Agreement provided the basis for which all future annexation plans for both municipalities would be governed for those areas or territory east of Germantown and west of Collierville, which each municipality will rely on concerning its future corporate limits. The boundary generally followed the TVA power line easement between Johnson Road and Houston Levee Road from Poplar Avenue on the south to the Wolf River on the north.
- The Saddle Creek Shopping Center, Project Development Contract No. 90, was approved after intense discussion on landscaping. Several street improvements were included in the contract, such as sidewalks and drainage controls on Poplar and medians for West Farmington. The center was to have over 90,000 square feet of building space.
- Several ordinances were passed regarding the Sign Ordinances. These new ordinances allowed regulation and uniformity in the Old Germantown District, regulations for content, location of building identification and tenant identification in office park projects, and allow for certain logos with the approval of the Design Review Commission.
- The Board approved Project Development Contract No. 91, the Brookside Centre Office Park, located on the north side of Farmington at Cordes Road. This development was restricted to office use only.
- Two ordinances concerning fences were passed. Ordinance No. 1986-17 allowed the Design Review Commission to approve a fence of greater than six feet in height on multifamily and commercial development projects. Ordinance 1986-18 restricted the building materials for fences on double frontage lots in new developments to prohibit the use of wood, plastic, chain, link or wire.
- Project Development Contract No. 92 was to remodel the existing building at Poplar Avenue and Kirby Parkway for use by the Bank of Bartlett. The building was to be covered with antique red brick and have a new mansard roof installed. The building would have 4,590 square feet and twenty-three parking spaces.
- The firm of William H. Porter & Company was awarded the contract for professional services to design and prepare construction documents to extend and improve Stout Road for $71,000. Stout was to be extended and improved from Cross Country to the west city limits.
- After debate with concerned residents, the Board approved Project Development Contract No. 93, the Germantown Collection Shopping Center. The residents adjacent to the development were worried about screening and landscaping. An 8’ wall was promised for the rear property lines, as was a pledge to protect trees affected by the development. The plan called for approximately 200,000 square feet of building space, including a Kroger and freestanding restaurant.
- The City entered into a contract with Shelby County and Memphis for joint funding of Wolf River Parkway from Kirby to Germantown Parkway. The estimated price was three million to be shared 57% by the County, 29% by Germantown and 14% by Memphis.
- Jerry Cook, the Assistant Director of the Department of Development, gave a presentation of the Forest Hill Study to the Board. The study covered the land bound by Poplar Avenue on the north, Forest Hill-Irene Road on the west, Poplar Pike on the south, and where Poplar and Poplar Pike come together on the east. Several plans were put forth, each varying the amount of commercial and residential coverage. The issue was tabled until more studies could be done in the area.
- The Board extended a moratorium that had been placed, in August 1985, on developments along the proposed Wolf River Boulevard for another year. Two other options in the motion were accepting a study or the awarding of a contract for construction of the boulevard, before allowing development.
- After intense debate with affected residents, the Board approved Project Development Contract No. 96, Physicians Office Building, Baptist Memorial Specialty Hospital. The main debate focussed on barriers and buffer zones between the hospital and nearby residents. Each resident was handled individually. The comment was made that a barrier was a matter for the Design Review Commission and that the Board should receive firm recommendations from the Commission when approving contracts.
- A contract was awarded to Conley & Hardy for design services for the connector road between Germantown Middle School and Hacks Cross Road. The contract was for $11,880 for all design documents.
- One of the biggest development issues in 1986 was the proposed Germantown Hilton. The Hotel was to be part of the Sternberger/Ford Shopping Center. It was to be located between the Seessel’s and Kmart (Hobby Lobby) and across from the Fire Station. Many issues were discussed during the November 24 public hearing. The opponents of the hotel brought up traffic issues such as conflicts with the Fire Department. A proposed lounge in the hotel was a concern as well. Alcohol related accidents as a result of the lounge concerned the residents. Proponents of the hotel stated that Germantown needed a place for visitors who come to Germantown for banquets, weddings, horse shows, etc. The original plan for the shopping center forbade “a motel or service station”. The Board approved Project Development Contract No. 98, the Germantown Hilton.
- The Board approved Project Development Contract No. 99, the Ezon Office Building. The proposal was for 43,805 square feet on 3.94 acres of land located on the east side of Exeter Road north of Farmington Boulevard.
- Project Development Contract No. 901, Pizza Hut, was approved. The design had to be modified to please the Design Review Commission. The bright red roof of a normal Pizza Hut was changed to a reddish brown color. The building was to have a light colored, blended-brick with off-white trim. A Backyard Burger currently resides in the building.
- The State required that all cities fall under a state-approved, air pollution control ordinance. The staff recommended adopting the Memphis/Shelby County Air Pollution Control Code by reference. This adoption was Ordinance No. 1986-22.
- A contract was approved to have Layne Central Company provide a ground water investigation and analysis for the proposed new well field in the amount of $103,954. The investigation was a two-part process. The first phase was to gather data on the best place for a well and the second was to actually drill a test well. All the information gathered helped the city determine where the next water treatment plant would be.
- Ordinance No. 1986-34 allowed the Public Works Department to take action, when necessary, to control health threatening cross-control situations, such as protecting the city’s water system against the possibility of backflow contamination.
- The Board approved a resolution adopting FY87 to FY92 Capital Improvements Program. The CIP constitutes the city’s strategic plans to provide and fund needed facilities over a period of years.
- After reading an article in Government Finance Review about Germantown’s citizen bonds program, County Mayor William Morris congratulated the city on the successful program.
- The City received two awards for finance. The first award was from the Government Finance Office Association and read an “AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE for Financial Management presented to the CITY OF GERMANTOWN for CITIZEN BOND ISSUE, an OUTSTANDING CONTRIBUTION to the PRACTICE OF GOVERNMENT FINANCE”. Hal Canary, Finance Director received the second award. This award related to the City’s debt program and how the debt management was handled. Germantown was the smallest city that had ever received that award.
- The Board awarded Pride Construction with a contract to expand the Central Fire Station for $114,388.
- The City adopted Ordinance No. 1986-4 which enabled certain Fire Department and Department of Development officials to issue citations for violations of the Code, as it relates to fences, litter, signs, zoning, improper use of fire hydrants, etc. This ordinance was known as the Universal Citation Ordinance.
- The City renewed its contract with Medic Ambulance Service, Inc. for three more years.
- The Parks & Recreation Commission presented its annual report to the Board. Joe Winterrowd, Chairman of the Commission, went over the projects completed in 1985. The most important events included the Grand opening of Cameron-Brown Park and the success of Arts in the Park and the July 4th celebration.
- Frank Patterson received the Employee of the Year Award from the Parks and Recreation Department.
- The Board approved Ordinance No. 1986-1, which amended Ordinance No. 1980-17. This amendment increased the number of members on the Parks & Recreation Commission from nine to thirteen.
- The City acquired a 68.82-acre tract on Dogwood Road for parkland for $558,560.00.
- The Board approved a proposal from Harland Bartholomew & Associates for consultant services on Poplar Estates Park in the amount of $26,650.
- Pat Meehan was introduced as the new Parks Supervisor.
- Charles Howell, State Commissioner of Conservation, complimented the city’s park facilities and planning.
- The Parks &Recreation Department staff experienced an increase in duties and responsibilities. The position of Recreation Supervisor was reclassified as the Assistant Director to the Parks and Recreation Department. The person in the new position would assist in the preparation of the budget, act as director in absence of the Director, and perform other administrative duties as required.
- Germantown received a certificate for “Excellence in Parks and Recreation Programming” from the State of Tennessee Department of Conservation.
- The Parks and Recreation Commission recommended guidelines for the naming of parks and recreation facilities. The Board approved Policy Letter No. 50, which had the following recommendations:
- Geographic, geologic or historical significance
- Honoring individuals who make major contributions to the parks
- Congress passed the Fair Labor Standards Act, Public Law 99-150, on November 13, 1985. The law went into effect April 15, 1986. The law would especially affect the Germantown Fire Department. A workweek was determined to be 53 hours instead of 56 hours. Firefighters would be eligible for three hours of overtime a week unless paid leave time reduced the worked hours. The policy had allowed paid leave to count toward the overtime floor. It was recommended tightening the definition of “time” which can count toward overtime by excluding paid leave. The Board revised the Personnel Procedures Manual to comply with the new Act.
- The Board passed the following resolution:
“Be it resolved that effective immediately in order to ensure that professionalism and competence of city personnel be continued, that a moratorium be placed on the hiring of any city employees or city personnel without prior written approval on a case by case basis of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen”.
- Four 1986, 4-door Dodge Diplomats were purchased for $36,232. Assistant Chief Paul Hamblem stated that the Department had been satisfied with the Diplomats. Six more patrol cars were purchased for $64,000 from Chuck Hutton Chevrolet.
- The Board approved raising the number of people in the Germantown Police Department Reserve Program from twenty-one to thirty. This was a result of the Fair Labor Standards Act and how it no longer allowed non-supervisory regular officers to volunteer their services for special events, which required reserve officers and supervisory personnel.