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- Mayor Boyd Arthur, Jr., Aldermen Wayne Addison, Wanda Goodman, Richard McNeese, Bob Oelke and Jay Kahn (Vice-Mayor).
- Attorneys were R. Lee Winchester (City Attorney), Boyd Rhodes, Jr. (Asst. City Attorney-Advisor to the BMA), C. Thomas Cates (Asst. City Attorney-Advisor to the Design Review Commission), Louis J. Miller (Asst. City Attorney-Advisor to the planning Commission), Alan Strain (Asst. City Attorney-Advisor to the Board of Zoning Appeals).
- The Prosecuting Attorneys were Glenn Millar, Jr. (Asst. City Attorney-Senior Prosecuting Attorney), Lee Saunders (Asst. City Attorney-Asst. Prosecuting Attorney), Joe Lee Wyatt (Asst. City Attorney-Asst. Prosecuting Attorney).
- City Judges were Larry K. Scroggs and Raymond S. Clift.
- Commissions and Committees included: Animal Control Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals, City Beautification Commission, Design Review Commission, Germantown Advisory Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, Audit Committee, Charter Study Committee, Cultural Arts Committee, Financial Advisory Committee, Germantown Advisory Committee, Personnel Advisory Committee, and Retirement Plan Administrator Committee.
- The BMA approved a motion to instigate a Charter Study Committee, with Beth Schnieders as Chairman.
- Mayor Arthur, on behalf of the Board and the citizens, expressed appreciation to the City employees, Fire, Police and Public Works, for the extra hours worked and the good job they did during the recent inclement weather.
- Mayor Arthur presented a plaque to Hugh S. Ford, who recently retired as Assistant to the City Administrator, in appreciation for his thirty years of service to the citizens of Germantown.
- The City entered into an intergovernmental agreement with the City of Bartlett. The agreement provided for an exchange of equipment and personnel, which would be of mutual advantage to both municipalities. The agreement is automatically renewed each year. This approach may also be applied to other interested municipalities.
- The Board approved a motion to lease land between Germantown Road and West Street, including the Depot, from Southern Railway Company. The lease was for $100 per year and all maintenance was to be the responsibility of the City. The property would revert back to the railroad upon notification of the City, and all improvements would have to be removed, if the railroad determined it needed the property back.
- The Board approved the following resolution:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Mayor and Alderman that the Health Officer of the Memphis and Shelby County Health Department be appointed as “Health Officer” for the City of Germantown and empowered to enforce all regulations pertaining to that office.
- The City planned to honor Melanie Smith, a resident of Germantown, for winning a gold medal in the equestrian mete at the 1984 Olympics.
- The Germantown High School Cable TV group had presented a proposal to the CATV Commission, which would provide for the development of twelve 30 to 60 minute community access programs in exchange for funding of various pieces of camera equipment. The Board approved the “Access Together Project” to be paid through the City with the limit of $21,000; and that future budgets would be on the basis of a year to year budget request reviewed through the normal budget process.
- Alderman Oelke made a statement to the Board that he would not be seeking reelection for Alderman Position 5. Mayor Arthur expressed appreciation on behalf of himself, the City and the Board for what Mr. Oelke had done for the City.
- A 2004 Committee and Civic Center Committee were formed. This committee would review the needs for the City for the next twenty years, formulate a comprehensive plan, and present the plan to the Board. The Mayor stated that this is probably the most important thing that has been done within the City in a long time and is going to greatly benefit the community.
- The Board approved a motion to accept the handicapped citizens’ grievance procedure as put forth by the Office of Revenue Sharing of the U.S. Department of the Treasury. This procedure required all cities receiving $25,000 or more in Revenue Sharing Funds to comply with certain regulations regarding full access of municipal services and facilities to handicapped citizens and the adoption of a grievance procedure for complaints from handicapped individuals.
- Mayor Arthur presented Aldermen Richard McNeese and Bob Oelke with plaques expressing appreciation for their four years of service to the Citizens of Germantown.
- Wanda Goodman was reelected for a second four-year term and D. W. “Bill” McGaughhey was elected to fill Position 3. Sam Massey was elected to fill Position 5.
- The City purchased 10,000, 1985 report calendars from Murdock Printing Company, Inc. for $5,931.50.
- The Board approved Ordinance No. 1984-20 to raise court costs from $10 dollars to $30.
- The Board approved a motion to have the City mapped by aerial photography. The contract was given to Kucera and Associates, Inc. This contract would cost $66,965.00 for topographically mapping the City. An amendment was added to include the “reserve area” for an additional $19,000. This method of mapping would save the City thousands per year on surveying costs.
- Project Development Contract No. 30.1 was approved. The contract proposed for Germantown Baptist Church, included a two-story addition to the existing sanctuary and a 160 space parking lot.
- The BMA approved Project Development Contract No. 74 for the Germantown Community Hospital. The Hospital was proposed to be a 120-bed primary care, general medical/surgical Facility. The Hospital was approved for a fifteen-acre site on the corner of Poplar Avenue and Germantown Road.
- After several amendments, Ordinance No. 1984-3, Old Germantown District Regulations, was approved. The Ordinance included guidelines on lot coverage (maximum lot coverage to be 45%), use of property, and timetables for rebuilding structures. Many people felt the lot coverage amendment was too restrictive. Many residents were concerned that they already had more than 45% coverage. One Alderman felt that the Design Review Commission would be placed in an untenable situation due to number of applicants that would present plans for more than 45% coverage. The Mayor had to break the tie vote for the motion to be approved.
- With esthetics being so important to Germantown, aboveground transformers belonging to MLG&W came into conflict with the city. Many citizens complained that the transformers were eyesores when placed in front yards. The City had to amend the Underground Utilities Ordinance when MLG&W stated that underground transformers were not economical. Ordinance 1883-26 was approved after compromises made, including allowance for transformers to be placed in back yards or be properly landscaped, suited everyone involved.
- The Board approved the Miesse Animal Clinic, Project Development Contract No. 75. The clinic is located on the southwest corner of Farmington and Exeter.
- The Board approved Project Development Project No. 76, Riveroaks Reformed Presbyterian Church. The church is located on the west side of Germantown Road at the eastern terminus of Apple Valley Road.
- The census completed by the City has been certified by the State Planning Office and indicates that the present population of the City is 27,213. This growth will increase the per capita income from the state by 186,500 annually.
- The Board approved Project Development Contract No. 77 for the Allenby Westfair Planned Unit Development. The 89 detached units are located on the west side of Allenby Road adjacent to the northline of Allenby Green Condominiums.
- The BMA approved Project Development Contract No. 79 for the Washington Square Commercial Center on the northeast corner of Farmington and Exeter.
- The Board approved a resolution adopting The Capital Improvements Program FY85-90. The program included plans for a fourth fire station, the widening of several streets, new ditches, and intersection improvements.
- Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. presented the Major Road Plan update. The assignment had been to find a workable and acceptable road plan that would meet the projected traffic demands for the next twenty years. The Board was advised that the plan should reflect the traffic demands, right of way should be tied to the highest foreseeable use of the roadway, and streets should not be constructed on the assumption that nothing else is going to be built. The plan was sent to the Planning Commission and the 2004 Committee for review.
- The City entered into a contract with MLG&W to convert all streetlights from mercury vapor to sodium vapor. It is estimated that the City will save over $2,000 a month.
- After many debates, Ordinance No. 1984-3, concerning satellite dishes, was approved. This ordinance changed the height restriction from nine feet to six feet and mandated that the dishes be properly screened from public view.
- After serious debate, the Board approved Ordinance No. 1984-22, the closure of Poplar Pike between Germantown Road and West Street. Several business owners in the area expressed concerns over loss of business due to the closing. The Board stated that they could always take action to rescind the closing.
- The Annexation Ordinances for 1984 were approved in one motion. Ten ordinances were approved at once. The public was advised that the Planning Commission would hold a public hearing when it considers zoning of the annexed properties.
- A contract was approved with McGehee/Nicholson/Burke for the development of plans and specifications and construction of the Municipal Center expansion. The architectural firm had built the current center and was considered to be in the best position to complete the job appropriately.
- The Board approved a motion to award the contract for constructing three 600 gpm water wells to Layne Central Company in the amount of $237,937.00.
- In a special meeting, the Board awarded a three-year contract to Browning-Ferris Industries for refuse collection and disposal services.
- Don Hazelwood, Chairman of the City Beautification Commission, presented the Board with three awards from the Shelby County Environmental Improvement Commission, recognizing the City’s participation in education of the environmental awareness program, in landscaping, and the cleanup program conducted every spring by the City.
- The Board voted to renew the contract for use of the Shelby County Landfill after an increase of $1.10 to $1.25 per cubic yard.
- A subcommittee was appointed from the Financial Advisory Committee to make an in depth study of the adequacy of the reserves of the City. The subcommittee recommended that a risk management study be undertaken promptly. A motion was approved to accept Johnson and Higgins of Tennessee, Inc and Budget Adjustment No. 84-91.
- After some revisions, including donating $10,000 to GHSTV, the Board adopted the FY85 budget. The total budget was brought to $12,613,600. This figure had been reduced to make adjustments to the FY84 budget to pay for a resurfacing contract.
- The Board approved Ordinance No. 1984-18 and 1984-19. The first Ordinance established the Real and Personalty Property Tax for 1984 at $2.16 per $100 assessed valuation. The second Ordinance established the Telegraph and Telephone Tax at 25 cents per pole.
- The BMA approved a budget transfer to fund surveys and studies for the proposed Civic Center. The funds were not to exceed $25,000.
- The Board approved the purchase of MUNIES Fiscal Impact Model from Tischer and Associates for $45,000. The model had been utilized both for long and short-term fiscal projections and its value had been shown in the annexation studies for the year.
- The City entered into an intergovernmental fire service agreement with Shelby County.
- The City purchased a two-way radio system for the Fire and Public Service from Motorola for $188,809.66.
- The second annual Phil McCall Biathlon was held in honor of the late Fire Chief.
- The City purchased three federal emergency warning sirens from G.T. Distributors for $16,678.50.
- James Dees, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission, presented the Commission’s annual report to the Board. The goals for 1883 had been to:
- Change the direction of the Park and Recreation Commission from a “Sports Commission to an actual “Park and Recreation Commission.
- Develop a community center complex to house multi-purpose activities and programs.
- Long range planning of parks and facilities.
- Revise various policy letters to blend with the philosophy of the City in developing a partnership with the various organizations utilizing public facilities.
- To establish a Fourth of July celebration in the Parks, which would bring together the entire community in 1984.
- Improve livability of parks.
Mr. Dees felt that the commission had either met these goals or were making great strides toward their accomplishment. The BMA approved a motion to reorganize the Parks and Recreation Department.
- The Parks and Recreation Department implemented a program whereby an employee would be selected each month for performing his/her responsibilities well. Certificates of Appreciation were presented to Bobby Carter, Starry Stigger, David Benton and Bertha Hall.
- Shelby Electric was awarded the contract to light Red Devil baseball field for a cost of $53,430.
- The Civic Club agreed to lease their property located south of the Community Center on the east side of Park Road at C.O. Franklin Park. The twenty year lease would cost a dollar a year and allow for a sublease with the Germantown Horse Show Association and construction of two horse rings on the southernmost tip of the property.
- The Board approved Gregory-Grace and Associates to be the consultants for the construction of Dogwood Park. The park project was estimated to cost $100,000.
- The Tennessee Department of Conservation approved a grant for development of Dogwood Park. A “Notice of Limitation of Use” was added to the deed for the parkland. This notice stated that the property would not be used in any way except for outdoor public recreation. The Board approved the contract.
- Alderman Kahn expressed appreciation to Harvey Faust and Barbara Doty in the Parks and Recreation Department and all involved for the successful Fourth of July Celebration.
- The Parks and Recreation Commission’s mid-year report showed that considerable progress had been made since January. The Department had been divided into a parks, recreation and building maintenance department. A meeting had been held with leaders in all sports activities and it was recommended that such meetings be continued. The Mayor expressed appreciation to the Commission for its accomplishments.
- The Festival Association proposed relocating the 1984 Germantown Festival to Morgan Woods/ C.O. Franklin Park areas and away from the highway.
- The Mayor accepted a check for $3,625 from the Kiwanis Club and thanked them for their donation of the pavilion in Municipal Park. The check was the Club’s annual payment on the pavilion.
- The Germantown’s Women’s Club gave an award from the National Organization of Women’s Club to the Germantown Parks and Recreation Commission. The award was for outstanding work in developing programs for children.
- The Board approved a resolution that would authorize the City to join the ICMA-Retirement Corporation Deferred Compensation Plan. This would allow City employees to voluntarily elect to have a portion of their income withheld and sent to ICMA-RC where it would be invested in the investment option of the employee’s choice as a tax-deferred fund. It was also resolved that the City Administrator would be coordinator for the program.
- The Board approved Policy Letter No. 1, which consolidated eighteen policy letters into one. The letter was entitled “Personnel Rules and Regulations Manual”. Appreciation was expressed to the Personnel Advisory Committee as a whole for the time and effort expended on this project.
- Seven 1984 four door Dodge Diplomats were purchased for the Police Department for $59,253.
- The Germantown Police Department has been responsible for the apprehension of several burglary suspects and the recovery of the property involved. Mayor Arthur expressed appreciation to Officers Leslie Kulhanek, Don Hogan, Tim O’Brien, E.R. Palmer, J.A. Montgomery, and reserve Officer Carl Schweers.