Administration | Development | Environmental Services | Finance | Fire | Parks and Recreation | Police
- Mayor Boyd Arthur, Jr., Aldermen Wayne Addison, Wanda Goodman, Richard McNeese, Bob Oelke, and Jay Kahn (Vice Mayor).
- Attorneys were R. Lee Winchester (City Attorney), Boyd Rhodes, Jr. (Asst. City Attorney-Advisor to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen), C. Thomas Cates (Asst. City Attorney-Advisor to the Design Review Commission), Louis J. Miller (Asst. City Attorney-Advisor to the Planning Commission), Alan Strain (Asst. City Attorney-Advisor to the Board of Zoning Appeals).
- The Prosecuting Attorneys were Glenn Millar, Jr. (Asst. City Attorney-Senior Prosecuting Attorney), Joe M. Kirsch (Asst. City Attorney-Asst. Prosecuting Attorney), Jerome Rosengarten (Asst. City Attorney- Asst. Prosecuting Attorney).
- City Judges were Larry K. Scroggs and Raymond S. Clift.
- Commissions and Committees included Animal Control Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals, City Beautification Commission, Design Commission, Germantown Advisory Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, Audit Committee, Financial Advisory Committee, Cultural Arts Committee, Germantown Historic Committee, Old Germantown Committee, Personnel Advisory Committee and the Retirement Plan Administrator Committee.
- Mayor Arthur presented Former City Attorney Henry M. Beaty with a plaque of appreciation for years of unselfish service to the city. Mr. Beaty began his service in 1973 and he had served on the Planning Commission, Annexation Committee and Advisor to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen.
- Anti-Trust decisions by the Supreme Court have made it possible for companies to compete for long distance telephone services. The city switched from South Central Bell to TMC (Tela Marketing Communications, INC.) when a savings of $1000 a year was discovered.
- The beer permit issue was debated. The main issue appeared to be a moral one, with concerns of the close proximity of places wanting a beer permit with local churches and the high school. State law gave the City permission to prohibit the sale of beer up to 200 feet from schools, churches, or other public places of gathering. The City itself did not have a specific distance requirement. The issue was turned over to the Planning Commission for a recommendation of an ordinance. Individual beer permits continued to be issued on a case by case basis.
- A proclamation was announced that the City had joined President Reagan in recognizing April 9 as a permanent day to honor America’s POWs, MIAs and their families, and read a proclamation to that effect.
- Money was appropriated for purchasing equipment and insurance premiums for the Germantown High School television station. A total of $4800 was set aside from money the City received from the cable television franchise after some debate.
- Policy Letters 25, 29 and 44 were combined into Policy Letter No. 49 entitled Purchasing Regulations. This letter clarified purchasing procedures. The change would minimize the number of small purchases presented to the Board.
- The Board approved a contract with Municipal Code Corporation to revise and recodify the City’s ordinances to reflect state and local laws, plus court decisions. Total cost was $10,000, which included fifty copies.
- A motion was approved to allow the Bodine School, located at 2432 Yester Oaks Drive, to add a one story addition to the existing structure.
- Ordinance No. 1982-25 amended the Zoning Ordinance to more clearly define the word “hospital”. The new definition excluded mental health facilities and restricted this use to the C-2 district.
- The City and the State Department of Transportation have been working on two programs, the Safer Off System to improve traffic signs and the Federal Aid Urban program to improve four intersections within the City. The Board ratified a contract executed in 1982 to fund the City’s share of the cost.
- The Design Review Commission and the Board of Zoning Appeals discussed satellite dish receiving antennas. The consensus was that the dishes could become eyesores to the community. Aesthetics was the main issue. Dishes had to be properly screened in the backyard and could not exceed 6’ in height. Some dishes would have to be depressed into the ground to meet the height requirement. Drainage problems would have to be discussed for the lowered dishes.
- A traffic signal was approved for the intersection of Poplar Avenue and West Street at a cost of $32,827.90 to be installed by the Shelby Electric Company.
- A motion was approved to allow Memorial Park Cemetery to expand by 17 acres. The Private Acts of 1925 required that any municipality within five miles of a cemetery must give approval for any enlargement.
- After a similar contract fell through in 1982, the Board approved Project Development Contract No. 60 for Allenby Green Condominiums on the corner of Farmington Boulevard and Allenby Road.
- The Board approved Project Development Contract No. 65, the final amended plan for phase I for the Sternberger –Ford Shopping Center. The amendments including increasing the square footage and adjusting the driveway on Farmington Boulevard. The center is located at the southeast corner or Farmington and Boulevard and Germantown Road. The Board agreed that this and all future contracts, in addition to being approved as to form by the City Attorney, should be approved as to content, and that all contracts be signed by the developer or petitioner before being presented to the Board for approval.
- The Board approved project Development Contract No. 66. This allowed construction to start on the Village and Office Centre, located on the southeast corner of Farmington Boulevard and Exeter.
- The Board approved Development Contract No. 68 for converting 7578 Southern Avenue from a residence to an office building. As a result, Southern Avenue was widened by 6’ and made to be one way.
- Ellers, Oakley, Chester and Rike were chosen as consultants for improvement to Poplar Pike from West Street to the Germantown west City limits.
- The City chose Allen and Hoshall, Inc., as consultant for improving Germantown Road from Farmington Boulevard to the north City limits.
- The City chose Barton –Aschman, Associates, Inc. as consultant to provide the City with an update on the Major Road Study for $25,000.
- Due to high level of annexations and developments in the City, the Board requested that the 1981 Annexation study be updated.
- A new fuel dispensing system was purchased by the city. The new system would promote conservation by monitoring vehicles with high fuel consumption. The system would also detect use by non-city vehicles. The City bought a Petrovent K400A2 automated fuel-dispensing system from the Southern Petroleum Company for $18,522.
- The Board was presented an award by Don Hazlewood, chairman of the City Beautification Commission. The award had been given to the commission by the Shelby County Environmental Improvement Commission for the projects completed or initiated by Germantown during the past year.
- The City made an agreement with Shelby County to continue to use its landfill after an increase from $.95 to $1.10 per cubic yard.
- Water was an important issue for the City. A Comprehensive Well Hydrologic Survey and Analysis was ordered to be carried out by Allen and Hoshall Engineers, the same company which was in the process of building a new 1.8 million gallon underground reservoir and a 6 million addition to the water treatment facilities. The results of the $12,000 survey were to build three new wells, replace two existing wells, and to consider a new treatment plant and well field in the east where growth was occurring.
- After having difficulty transferring funds between bank accounts, the City decided to adopt resolutions to revise the payroll account and bail deposit refund account to zero balance type accounts. This system allowed for investment analysis.
- After adjustments made for Parks and Recreation and computer needs, the Board approved Ordinance No. 1983-14, the budget for 1983-1984. Budget adjustments were later approved.
- The Board approved Ordinances 1983-15 and 1983-16. No. 1983-15 established the Real and Personal Property tax rate for 1983 at $2.16 per $100 dollar valuation and 1983-16 established the 1983 Pole Tax Rate at 25 cents per pole.
- The City of Germantown was awarded a Certificate of Conformance in Financial Reporting by the Municipal Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada for its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1982. The Mayor presented the award to the City’s Finance Director, Hal W. Canary, Jr.
- The Board endorsed a ¾ cent sales tax referendum from Shelby County. Fifty percent of the proceeds of the tax would go toward improvement in the County school system. The City of Germantown would also see income from this tax.
- Tischler and Associates presented a Fiscal Impact Study. The objectives of the study were, (1) to allow the City to better understand its near and longer term fiscal position as it is impacted by new growth; and (2) to implement a fiscal impact system which is easy to use and understand. Three land scenarios were proposed for study. All three scenarios indicated a deficit in year two. An addition to the municipal center, with no bond financing anticipated, was the reason for the deficit. Each scenario, however, projected a surplus, the highest being the High Density Scenario with a surplus of $30,725,583. A copy of the study is available for public review in the City’s Administrative Department.
- The City decided to renew the backup ambulance service with the City of Memphis for another year. The service had been called on three times and the Board was told that the response by the Memphis Fire Department was excellent.
- Phil McCall, Fire Chief for over 20 years, passed on. After a moment of silence, John O’Bryan was congratulated on being appointed Fire Chief. A memorial resolution for Chief Phil McCall was presented to his wife, Mrs. Betty McCall for his loyalty, dedication, perseverance and his productivity as Fire Chief. Mr. and Mrs. David D. Schores donated a pool table to the City in honor of Phil McCall.
- A 1942 pumper was declared obsolete and the fire department wanted it preserved for its historical value. A motion was approved to have the truck preserved and have a plaque placed on it to honor Chief McCall and all volunteers who had severed before the Fire Department became a “paid” department. The engine resides on Harry Cloyes’ property.
- The Germantown Fire Department finished third place in the Fire Fighter’s Team Competition out of sixteen teams. The competition was held at the Armour Training Center in Memphis.
- The Fire Department purchased a car for the Fire Chief. The car was a 1983 Ford Crown Victoria and was purchased for $9,867.70. This car replaces a monthly vehicle allowance for the Chief.
- Chief John O’Brien presented trophies to his department. The Fire Department placed second in competition in Red Bank, Tennessee against several other fire departments. The department also won an “earth ball” competition in conjunction with the Memphis Fire Department against the Army, Marine, and Memphis Rugby Teams.
- The Germantown Lion’s Club proposed an annual biathlon in honor of Phil McCall in November.
- The Department receives a plaque for its participation in the Community Service Program, where first offender juveniles work around the station instead of being sent to the penal farm. The department was complimented on its good job.
- A new Fire Code was adopted to match the Standard Fire Prevention Code.
- Shelby County expressed willingness to lease the three County Parks in the City limits to the City of Germantown for $1.00 a year per park per year for thirty years. These parks are Farmington Park, Hacks Cross Road Park and Riverdale Park.
- Due to numerous complaints, the Board approved an 11 o’clock curfew on sports activities in City parks. Two exceptions to this curfew were the horse shows and Community Center activities.
- The Kiwanis Club donated a pavilion for the Municipal Center Park. The City agreed to finance the project and accept yearly donations from the club. The project was awarded to Mid-South Construction for $41,250.00.
- The Board approved a contract to improve C.O. Franklin Park. The improvements would include two new lighted tennis courts, upgrading and rewiring of the four existing courts, lighting of two soccer fields and the addition of a new restroom facility. The contract was awarded to Shelby Electric for $179,950.
- Germantown Reserve Police Officers were presented with plaques by the Memphis and Shelby County Optimist club for service to the community.
- A proclamation was read by Mayor Arthur that the week of August 7 through August 13 be known as Germantown Reserve Police Officer Week.