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- Mayor W. A. Nance, Aldermen Boyd Arthur, Jr., Wanda Goodman, Jay Kahn, Richard McNeese and Bob Oelke.
- Mayor Nance was elected to a two-year term as State Representative of District 94. In accordance with Section 10 of the Charter, “a vacancy shall exist if a Mayor or Alderman accepts any state, county or other municipal office or position of employment which is filled by public election”.
- Mayor Nance turned the November 8th meeting over to Vice-Mayor Jay Kahn and left the rostrum. The Board accepted the resignation of Mayor Nance to become effective November 11th. In a special presentation, Mr. Nance was given a plaque that contained the gavel he used during his tenure as Mayor.
- It was recommended that the members of the Board follow the Charter and appoint Mr. Kahn as Mayor until Mayor-elect Arthur takes office on December 13th. It was approved that Alderman Jay Kahn be appointed Mayor of the City of Germantown to complete the unexpired term of former Mayor W.A. Nance, to be effective from November 11, 1982 to December 13, 1982.
- The Board approved amendments to the Zoning Ordinance to include P.U.D. Regulations, the Sign Ordinance, and the Design Review Commission (DRC) Ordinance.
- Significant amendments to the latter were clarification of those projects which must be reviewed by the Design Review Commission, a procedure for appeal to the DRC of a decision of the City Engineer regarding temporary signs, and a change permitting the DRC to elect a Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary.
- An Economic Development Committee was established by resolution to encourage groups such as Xerox and IBM to locate an office complex within the City of Germantown, preferably on the eastern perimeter of the City. Discussion revolved around the need to have the tax base study completed which should indicate whether or not there is a need for this type of committee or this type of development.
- Alderman Oelke advised the Board that he had met with County Mayor Bill Morris to discuss the tax base study. He was pleased with Germantown’s economic development plan. He stated that Shelby County would get the tax base study completed as quickly as possible.
- The Board approved a motion congratulating the Memphis State University Tigers and Lady Tigers in the 1981-82 basketball season; and two of Germantown’s citizens, Mary Lou Johns, Coach of the Lady Tigers and Dana Kirk, Coach of the Tigers, on their outstanding accomplishment in directing their respective team to Metro Conference Championships and berths in the NCAA tournament.
- On March 11, 1982, the Charter Study Committee reported on its work on the City’s Charter. Revisions dealt primarily with: (1) removing the Mayor as a member of the Board, and the governing body of the City be a Mayor and Board of Aldermen, (2) veto power of the Mayor, and (3) duties and responsibilities of the City Administrator.
- The Board had the authority to convene as the Board of Adjustment and Appeals in order to consider requests for waivers of the Building Code requirements.
- The Board granted the request of Kirby Woods Mall to hold a “Great Outdoors Living Show” on the parking lot, entailing the display of boats, recreational vehicles, campers and an above ground swimming pool.
- Mr. Holgersson made a presentation to the Board regarding a reorganization plan, which would affect the Public Works, Utilities, Parks & Recreation and Administration Departments. It was proposed that Public Works and Utilities be combined, with Jay Hollingsworth assuming the position of Acting Public Works Director, and that the position of Assistant to the City Administrator be created, with Hugh S. Ford assuming that position.
- The creation of the position of Assistant to the City Administrator and the appointment of Hugh Ford to fill that position was approved.
- The Board approved the City Beautification Commission’s donation of a Cedar Deodora to be designated the “Official Christmas Tree” for decorating at the Yule Season. The motion was approved after an objection was voiced designating the tree as the “Official Christmas Tree”, because of the separation of church and state.
- Residents came to discuss with the Board the drainage problems caused by a rainstorm on April 16, 1982. The problems were associated with the “Farmington” and “Miller Farms” ditch. $135,000 had been already appropriated in the current budget toward the improvements of the Farmington Ditch.
- The Board passed the following resolution:
…that the Mayor of the City of Germantown is hereby granted authority to make appointments to Committees where vacancies occur due to resignation or inability of a member to serve, with the term to expire on December 31 of the given year.
- The Board recognized Donald A. Pallin’s years of volunteer service to the City on the Planning Commission from June 1973 to present, helping guide the City through its days of expansion.
- Mr. Thane Smith, Jr., President of the Germantown Festival Association, discussed the plans for the 1982 Festival with the Board and requested the usual permits.
- The Board approved a request from WHBQ Radio for special permits necessary to hold the annual Coca Cola Hideaway on the parking lot at the Germantown Village Square Mall, with revenue given to Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital.
- A “Mutual Aid Interlocal Cooperation Agreement” was signed allowing Germantown to work with Collierville.
- A proclamation was issued honoring Saleno Crocker, a senior at Germantown High School. He was selected to be a member of the 1982 McDonald’s All-American High School Band, which consisted of 104 of the nation’s top high school musicians. The band marched in Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and in the Tournament of Roses.
- Larry Scroggs was appointed Senior City Judge.
- Raymond S. Clift was appointed to fill the position of the second judge for the city.
- Mayor Nance introduced Jerry Cook, the new City Planner, to the Board.
- The water plant expansion for Southern Avenue was awarded to M.D. Limbaugh Construction Company in the amount of $1,397,988.
- The Board approved Ordinance No. 1982-15, establishing the real and personal property tax rate for 1983 at $2.16 per $100 valuation.
- A Fiscal Impact Analysis was requested. The purpose of the project is to analyze the fiscal position of the city and develop a set of procedures for implementation by the city which will allow the city to conduct cost/revenue analyses, assessments of fiscal equity and related service distribution issues, and evaluate changes in long-term fiscal situations.
- When accepted accounting principles for local government during the compilation of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and the refinancing Bond Anticipation notes, it was found that the Debt Service Fund maintained by the city was unnecessary. The fund was abolished and all its assets and liabilities were transferred to the General Fund.
- The Board passed the following resolution concerning Federal Surplus Property Utilization:
…The Finance Director and Purchasing Officer are authorized as legal representatives of this organization and its Governing Board, and its heirs, assigns, and successors forever, to act on its behalf in acquiring federal surplus property and so obligate said organization and Governing Board to the certifications and agreements contained in this document and on the distribution document; and that such person or persons are further authorized, at his or her discretion, to further delegate this authority to any employee of the Applicant for the purpose of acquiring surplus property for use by the Applicant organization.
- The city issued $3,000,000 General Obligation Bonds. Mr. Tom Mitchell of J.C. Bradford & Company stated that the financial statement prepared by the city was the most accurate and informative that he had seen in his thirty years as a financial advisor to Tennessee municipalities. The bonds were awarded to J.C. Bradford at an average net interest rate of 7.499530%.
- Deputy Chief C.J. (Charlie) Vaught was recognized for 13 years of service as a volunteer member of the Germantown Fire Department (since 1968).
- The Board approved funds of $1,500 to help the Fire Department participate in the annual firemen’s competition.
- The Tennessee Insurance Service Office notified the city that its fire insurance rating had been improved from five to three. This was the lowest rating of any municipality in Shelby County other than Memphis.
- The Board revised the Subdivision Regulations to delete the Mandatory Parkland Dedication provision.
- Mr. Lynn Thomas, of Corning, New York, accepted the position of the Parks & Recreation Director.
- The Board was presented with conceptual plans to improve C.O. Franklin/Morgan Woods Park and the Horse Show grounds. The improvements, to be made over a three year period, included two new tennis courts, increased parking areas, improved lighting and additional playing fields.