Administration | Development | Environmental Services | Finance | Fire | Parks and Recreation | Personnel | Police
- Mayor Warner Hodges, III, Aldermen Wayne Addison, Sam Massey, Bill McGaughty, Charles Salvaggio, Wanda Goodman (Vice-Mayor).
- Attorneys were Boyd Rhodes, Jr., (City Attorney), Tom Cates (Asst. City Attorney to the Design Review Commission), Jay Miller (Asst. City Attorney to the Planning Commission) and Alan Strain (Asst. City Attorney to the Board of Zoning Appeal).
- The Prosecuting Attorneys were Glenn Millar (Senior Prosecuting Attorney), Joe Wyatt (Asst. Prosecuting Attorney), and Doug Shipman (Asst. Prosecuting Attorney).
- City Judges were Olen Batchelor and Raymond Clift.
- Commissions and Committees included the Board of Zoning Appeals, Animal Control Commission, Advisory Commission, City Beautification Commission, Design Review Commission, Parks and Recreation, Planning Commission, Financial Advisory Committee, Historic Committee and Personnel Advisory Committee.
- The Board passed resolutions establishing an Education Commission and an Arts Commission.
- 1987 marked the 200th anniversary of the U.S. Constitution. Germantown was one of fifty cities designated as a “Bi-centennial Community”. The Board dressed in 18th century costumes at one meeting and passed a resolution that declared September 17 through 23 as “Constitution Week”.
- A historic plaque was presented to the owners of 7464 Poplar Pike, Gerald Drumwright and David Simmons. Historians put the house’s construction between 1830-1840. The house was occupied by Riverboat Captain Hanks during the Civil War.
- James N. Holgersson was reaffirmed as City Administrator. Mayor Hodges had reevaluated several positions in the city and found it in the best interest to rehire Mr. Holgersson.
- The Board passed the following ordinances concerning membership in certain Commissions:
- Parks and Recreation: Remove the chairmen of the City Beautification Commission, Historic Committee, and the Cultural Arts Committee and replace them with citizen members. Membership is to remain the same (13 members).
- Design Review: Increase membership from nine to ten
- Animal Control: Establish membership at five, with the City staff member being designated as “ex officio”
- City Beautification: Increase membership from nine to twelve.
- Germantown was visited by then Vice-President George Bush. Mr. Bush addressed the High School; (Germantown had only one high school at the time).
- In an effort to streamline the process that anyone must go through with the various Boards and Commissions, the BMA passed the following resolution:
WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Germantown that the boards, commissions and committees, employees and officers of the City strictly enforce the applicable provisions of City ordinances, but that the businesses, developers and other citizens of the community not be duly restrained by requirements which reflect the personal opinions, preferences, tastes or other factors which are not clearly set forth in the City ordinances or in reasonable rules or procedures adopted by such boards, commissions, committees or offices of the City.
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the City attorneys promptly implement guidelines for compliance with the spirit and intent of this resolution and provide ongoing counsel to such boards, committees, commissions, offices and staff of the city to ensure that any such personal opinions, preferences, tastes or other factors do not impinge upon or extend beyond the scope and intended effect of such City ordinances.
- Germantown Community Hospital received the City Beautification Commission’s annual award.
- A tribute was given to the late Walker M. Taylor, a former Alderman. He served as Alderman from 1974-1978 and was very instrumental in establishing the Council for Retired Persons in Germantown.
- By 1986, the city’s fleet of vehicles reached 114 cars, trucks and tractors. The Board approved a motion to establish a citizen task force to study fleet management and acquisition for more efficient use of the city’s vehicles. Although the Board felt that the fleet had been managed well, they believed there is always room for improvement. Mr. Ty Porter was named chairman of the task force.
- The City Beautification Commission was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation by the Shelby County Government in recognition of the Commission’s outstanding contribution to Shelby County.
- The speed limit for Germantown Road from the north city limits to Watkins Lane was set at 40 mph.
- The City saved approximately $100,000 when it entered into an agreement with the Tennessee Department of Transportation for installing a traffic signal and an improved railroad crossing system at the intersection of West Street and Poplar Pike.
- The Charter Study Committee was re-activated to take another look at the city’s charter.
- Ordinance No. 1987-42 was approved to eliminate mixed uses in Planned Unit Developments and provide for uses in P.U.D. s that would only be allowed within the underlying zoning.
- The Germantown Animal Shelter received accreditation by the Humane Society of the United States.
- The Mayor read a resolution honoring the late General Clifton B. Cates, a native of West Tennessee, and encouraged the Secretary of the Navy to name a naval vessel in honor of the General.
- The BMA passed Ordinance No. 1987-45 to amend the Zoning Ordinance. This amendment required that all off-street parking on residential property be on the driveway and not on the grass in front of the building.
- The Board approved a resolution to tape record all meetings.
- The Mayor and City were presented with a plaque recognizing the Board and city employees’ support of United Way.
- Upon his resignation as Assistant to the City Administrator, Rick Sonnenburg was presented with an “Outstanding Citizen” award. Mr. Sonnenburg took the job of City Administrator in Carroll, Iowa.
- After considering several locations, the Board chose a location for the Civic Center, north of the Municipal Center on the East Side of Germantown Road. The City purchased 4.5 acres of land for the project. The total budget for the project was $9.5 million.
- The Board approved Project Development Contract No. 904, the Exeter Centre Office Building. The proposed plan was for a three story, 44,800 square foot office building on the corner of Exeter and Road and Farmington Boulevard. The Board wanted a traffic light installed at the intersection of Exeter and Farmington prior to completion of this project.
- The City executed an agreement with the Tennessee Department of Transportation to have Germantown design, install and maintain a traffic signal at Poplar Avenue and Forest-Hill Irene Road.
- A design firm was chosen for professional services for the Great Oaks bridge. The contract was for $14,135 and included a survey, two soil borings, a hydraulic study, design, construction drawings and technical specifications, and assistance during the construction contract bidding phase.
- Project Development Contract No. 905, an addition to Farmington Presbyterian Church, was approved. The addition called for a new 500 seat sanctuary and other space amounting to 25,400 square feet. The original building was 11,800 square feet.
- Two years ago, a moratorium was placed in the Wolf River Boulevard area to prevent development before the road plan for the Boulevard was finished. The Board decided to lift the moratorium for development along the Wolf River, both to the east and west side of Germantown Road. This would allow developers to submit their plans to the Planning Commission and Design Review Commission.
- Merkle Office Building, Project Development Contract No. 909, was approved. The building was to be a two story, 4000 square foot office with a residential appearance on the east side of Germantown Road.
- The Board approved Project Development Contract No. 910, Exxon Station at Poplar and Germantown Road.
- The Board approved paying $81,294.25 as its share of the contract for the design of Wolf River Boulevard.
- The Stansell Square Shopping Center, Project Development Contract No. 911, was approved. The development was proposed for 35,000 square feet of retail space in the C.B.D. West Shopping Center.
- The Board approved Project Development Contract No. 912, the Firestone Store, located in the Exeter Village Shopping Center. The plan called for 6,700 square feet and ten service bays.
- After a tie-breaking vote by the Mayor, The Board approved Project Development Contract No. 913, Xpert Tune. The plan called for remodeling the former site of the NBC Bank Branch at 2086 Germantown Road.
- Faith Presbyterian Church proposed building a new 3,100 square foot sanctuary and a 5,824 square foot educational facility, to be located on the northeast corner of Poplar Pike and Carnton Drive. The Board approved this proposal as Project Development Contract No. 914.
- Action was taken after determining that a dump and surface mining operation located in the County at the intersection of The Wolf River and Germantown Road could have an adverse affect on the city’s underground water supply. The mining and dumping operation ceased when the County discovered that the dump had been operating in violations of its regulations.
- The Board executed a 30-year agreement with the City of Memphis, which provided transportation and treatment of Germantown’s sanitary sewage in exchange for payment based on 70 percent of the City of Memphis sewer use fees.
- The Board passed the Energy and Water Conservation Resolution, which enabled the State to inspect and audit Germantown’s water treatment and distribution system. The purpose of the program was to enable the State’s Public Water Utilities to reduce the waste of treated drinking water and the energy necessary to treat and pump that wasted water. Funds for this project came from the Exxon Oil overcharge suit.
- The City received the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Finance Reporting for the Fiscal year ended June 30, 1986 from the Government Finance Officers Association.
- For the fourth year in a row, Germantown received the Government Finance Officers Association Award for Distinguished Budget Presentation.
- For the first time in its history, Germantown received a Triple A bond rating on its bonds. It was the only city in the state of Tennessee to have this rating, the highest possible. Awards of merit were given to Hal Canary, Finance Director, and Jim Holgersson, City Administrator, for their role in the bond project.
- A resolution was passed adopting a Capital Improvements Program for the city for the fiscal years 1988-1993. Projects included the Civic Center, drainage improvements, the fire training center, water and sewer extension, improvements to parks, intersection improvements and road construction.
- Three firemen, including the Chief, were injured in a major fire in Fountain Square. The Mayor expressed appreciation for the professionalism and dedication exemplified by the Department.
- The Parks and Recreation’s annual report was presented to the Board. Highlights of 1986 were the purchase of 70 acres of land for parkland, opening of Depot Square and recognition by the state for having the best recreational program in 1986.
- The Board contracted with Sam Pilcher Construction to improve Poplar Estates Park for $324,068.
- The Board passed Ordinance No. 1987-5, mandatory parkland dedication. The ordinance would require mandatory parkland dedication or a payment in lieu of dedication of land for developments within residential districts. The ordinance also set forth a minimum amount of one acre that could be dedicated. The ordinance would aid Germantown in retaining its 3.3 acres per 1000 population ratio.
- Starry Stiggers was nominated Employee of the Year from the Parks and Recreation Department for 1986.
- The Board chose Grace and Associates as consultant for development of Houston Levee Park for $55,175.
- Policy Letter No. 33 was revised to state:
Leagues must be composed of a minimum of ninety percent residents when facilities are not of sufficient capacity to provide for the residents of Germantown to participate. The term “residents” shall include citizens of the reserve area and the Germantown school districts.
- Laura A. Deitz was hired as the Arts and Humanities Coordinator in the Parks and Recreation Department.
- Harvey Faust, Parks & Recreation Director, was elected President of the Tennessee Parks and Recreation Association.
- The city purchased 37.5 acres of parkland on Johnson Road adjoining the twenty acres already owned by the city. The land went for $18,000 per acre. Fifty to sixty additional acres in the same area were later acquired.
- The Personnel Advisory Committee, after it reviewed the city’s position relative to its employees and the city’s competition, recommended several changes. These changes included moving the range structure up to 4%, moving the merit matrix from 0-5% to 0-9% and extending fringe benefits to part-time employees.
- Several donations to the Police Department were made including a fingerprint evidence camera from the Germantown Knights of Columbus and $1500 from Poag & Thomason Development Company for the Department’s physical activities room.